Other Areas of Practice
Our Principles & Standards
Fownes Law Offices maintains the principle of competence, integrity and trust. It is the belief of the firm, its associates and employees that law is a tool to be honoured, respected and utilized for the betterment of our family life, communities, and our Nation.
Other Areas of Practice
The firm practises many aspects of law, below are areas in the law that are practised, but this is not an exhaustive list, by all means if you have a matter that needs assistance, please contact us.
Civil & Criminal Litigation
Having a problem with your neighbour or a dispute over a contract? Or maybe you are in a disagreement with your insurance company? We can help.
Allen Fownes has an extensive background as Counsel on a variety of matters but in recent years has appeared in Nova Scotia Supreme Court in a number of interesting property and estate litigation cases which have been published. These can be viewed through a free legal information DATAbase called CanLii, which is administered by the Canadian Institute of Law Libraries and which publishes decided cases. In the area of legal boundary and right of way disputes, surveying law, as well as estate litigation, Mr. Fownes has appeared in the Courts many times, and many of these Decisions are judicially considered frequently in the course of other cases coming before the Courts. Though cases are fact specific, the principle that like cases are to be decided alike gives some guidance to lawyers and their clients about courses of action they should or should not take. Here is the link to CanLii.org
Real Property Sales
Whether you are selling your home, a vacant lot, cottage property, commercial property or condominium unit Fownes Law provides competent, timely and helpful legal assistance to guide you through the process and help you complete the necessary steps to a successful transaction.
For a general example of what to expect when selling your residential property please click here.
Real Property Purchases
Should you be purchasing your first home, a vacant lot, cottage property, commercial property or condominium unit Fownes Law provides competent, timely and helpful legal assistance to guide you through the process and help you complete the necessary steps towards a successful transaction.
For a general example of what to expect when purchasing your residential property please click here.
Title Migrations
We are pleased to offer the benefit of years of experience with Nova Scotia’s difficult land registration system, to update and document all of the rights, privileges and obligations that go with the title to your real property parcels. We are registered by the Province of Nova Scotia to submit your land descriptions for approval and to make Applications for formal Registration to the Provincially regulated Land Registration system.
In metro Halifax most properties have already been converted in the 10 years that the system has been in place, but in Shelburne County and Queens Counties, less than half of properties have been done. We welcome the opportunity to explain the many benefits to having your real property titles converted to the new system. We are competitive cost wise with other medium sized firms and have a wealth of knowledge about rights of way and other peculiarities of town and country properties including houses on small plots and large woodlots or farms.
Corporate Counsel
The firm has experience in corporate law including incorporations, reorganizations, restructuring, creditor arrangements, amalgamations and corporate succession planning.
Incorporating a Company
If you are already in business and have grown to need an incorporation or even if you are just starting your business, Fownes Law is able to assist you incorporating your company which may provide many benefits for you as an owner and legal protection in certain circumstances.
For a general example of what to expect when incorporating your company click here
Disablity Tax Credits
There are many who qualify for Disability Tax Credits from the Canadian Government who are not making use of them because of various reasons such as; belief they will not qualify, previous denial for credits, or no knowledge that they exist. For more information on these valuable applications please click here.
Estate Planning and Wills
Much more than just a will, proper estate planning provides peace of mind in knowing that after you are gone your loved ones will be properly provided for and your assets will be with whom you chose.
In some cases, estate planning can provide the necessary tools during your lifetime to minimize complications regarding business assets and even taxes. For advice as to your particular situation, we will be more than pleased to answer your questions and invite your enquiry. Select the topics of interest below to learn more.
Wills | Trusts | Probate and Administering an Estate |
Divorce & Family Law
Fownes Law has considerable experience in divorce and the division of property, adoption, child custody and maintenance and other corollary matters.